Hurricane Evacuees making their own travel reservations:
Click here for telephone and website contact information for hotel brands with hotels located in Texas.
Updated: August 29, 2021

Hurricane Ida update: Hurricane Ida came ashore in Southeast Texas overnight Wednesday and in the early morning hours of Thursday. Laura’s eye came ashore just east of the Texas/Louisiana border, and then quickly headed north.
Room pricing: Price gouging laws that affect all retail businesses, including hotels, are immediately effective upon the declaration of an emergency. Please review our guide on room pricing during a disaster to ensure you are compliant with Texas state laws on point. No hotel should be charging a rate that is higher than what they typically and historically have charged during a non-emergency at full or rising occupancy levels. Be sure your yield management room pricing system does not price rooms above historic levels.
Emergency shelter for those needing financial assistance: As of this time, the American Red Cross is providing limited emergency sheltering for individuals in need. If you need emergency assistance obtaining a place to stay, please visit this American Red Cross page.
FEMA’s temporary housing assistance program: As of this time (4:00 pm on Sunday), FEMA has NOT activated the emergency lodging assistance (ELA) network. If this situation changes, we will immediately send additional updates with instructions on how to participate in the program and process guests through the ELA system. However, you do not need to wait for FEMA to enroll your hotel. If your property wishes to participate in the ELA program, you can and should update your hotel’s information on this website now.
THLA contact information: Office- 512-474-2996