With both flu and COVID-19 circulating this season, getting a flu vaccine is more important than ever. To keep your employees and customers healthy, you can play an important role in stopping the spread of contagious seasonal flu by encouraging your staff to get their flu shot.

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has created posters that you can download and print to help remind employees to get their shot.

What can you do?

  • Display the flu vaccine printable posters in your break room so employees know the facts. They’re available in both English and Spanish.
  • Consider offering incentives for employees to get vaccinated this year. Ideas include hosting an on-site flu vaccination clinic with refreshments, setting policies allowing time off to get a flu shot, or holding a contest for the department with the highest percentage of vaccinated employees.
  • Direct employees to TexasFlu.org to find a flu shot location. Anyone needing a free or low-cost vaccine can call 2-1-1.
  • Use social media and other communication channels to promote flu vaccination.

To access the posters and more information, please visit TexasFlu.org.

Flu vaccines have a long-standing safety record. A flu shot is the first and best way for employees to reduce their chances of getting the flu and spreading it to coworkers, customers and family members. And keeping your employees healthy helps keep your doors open for business.

Every dose matters. Let’s work together for a #HealthyTexas.

Texas Department of State Health Services

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