Author: THLA Staff

Hurricane Preparedness for Hotels
June, 28 2023Hurricane season officially began June 1st and will last to November 30th. During hurricane season you should regularly monitor your preparedness.

Human Trafficking Prevention Training Update
April, 26 2022In the 2021 Legislative Session, the State Legislature passed HB 390, requiring all employees at hotels with more than 10 rooms receive annual training on preventing human trafficking activity.

Make Your Hotel Instagram Worthy
March, 31 2022From compelling exteriors showcasing unique architecture and locations to interesting interiors, to themed rooms, noteworthy amenities, and photo-ready food and drink, hoteliers must keep a constant opportunistic eye out for experiences and visuals worth sharing.

Hotels 2022 – Spotty Recovery or Roaring Rebound?
February, 24 2022Some forecasters predict travelers’ wanting to make up for lost time, others predict a more spotty recovery.

Federal news: Supreme Court blocks federal vaccine mandate for large employers; OSHA pulls down emergency rule
January, 28 2022Following a January 13, 2022 U.S. Supreme Court blocking OSHA’s vaccine emergency temporary standard (ETS) from taking effect for employers with 100 or more employees, OSHA formally withdrew the ETS… Read more »

Granbury Texas, Restore Yourself
December, 28 2021There are so many ways to restore yourself in Granbury, Texas, voted the Best Historic Small Town in America by the readers of USA Today, THREE years in a row.

Child Care Scholarships- Opportunities for Hospitality Workers
November, 30 2021The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is providing extra help to the service industry, which was hit hard by the pandemic, by providing 12 months of free child care to low-income parents who are employed in the service industry.

10 Lessons from a Texas Tourism & Hospitality Legend: Larry Woods
November, 30 2021
Personalized and Purposeful Experiences
November, 29 2021Data trends confirm over 80% of consumers prefer brands offering them personalized experiences.
In the post-pandemic environment, travelers seek informed and purposeful experiences.
Personalization is not a perk, it’s expected.

12 Tips for Hotel Marketing During the Holidays
October, 27 2021As travel and economic conditions continue to recover from the global pandemic, this holiday season presents opportunities for hotels to capitalize on what has traditionally been the most lucrative time… Read more »