Our History
THLA is proud to celebrate over 100 years of protecting the rights and interests of lodging property owners and operators across our state.
Since our organization was formed, we have grown from a small group of hotel proprietors and managers to the largest state lodging association in the country.
Originally named the Texas Hotel Keepers’ Association, the first statewide meeting occurred on February 24, 1903 at the Oriental Hotel in Dallas.
At this meeting, the objective of the association was to bring about a better social and business acquaintance among the hoteliers of the state, a greater uniformity in the manner of operating commercial hotels in Texas, and to promulgate any matters of interest to those engaged in hotel keeping.
Association Milestones

Today we are a nonprofit trade association representing every aspect of the lodging and tourism industry. Our membership includes lodging operators and tourism partners across Texas, from the largest hotels to the smallest bed & breakfasts, along with full-service and limited-service operators, convention and visitor bureaus, chambers of commerce, and vendors who work with the hospitality industry.
Our mission is simple: THLA advocates for legislation, regulations, resources, and a business climate that will promote a strong, vibrant, and growing lodging and tourism industry within Texas. Our goals both current and historic are to promote the resources and ability of the lodging industry operators to be successful.