Category: News

National Labor Board Strikes Down “Micro Unions”

December, 15 2017

On December 15, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) struck down the ability to use “micro-unions” to organize private workplaces.  In the pro-employer decision, the NLRB reinstated the older, traditional… Read more »

Congress Passes the “Save Local Business Act”

November, 8 2017

Earlier this month, Congress voted to pass HR 3441, also known as the “Save Local Businesses Act.” This bi-partisan bill clarifies the regulations within the expanded joint employer rule. Under HR 3441, an… Read more »

FEMA’s Lodging Assistance Program Extended until November 27, 2017

October, 15 2017

FEMA’s “Emergency Lodging Assistance (ELA) Program” provides temporary lodging assistance to disaster evacuees. FEMA also refers to this program as the “Transitional Shelter Assistance (TSA)” program when communicating with evacuees… Read more »

Suspension of State and Local Hotel Occupancy Taxes

September, 22 2017

Updated 9/22/2017 Governor Abbott extended the state and local hotel occupancy tax exemption for guests affected by Hurricane Harvey through October 23rd.  Note that FEMA is continuing to pay hotel… Read more »

Hurricane Harvey Resources

September, 15 2017

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.7.1″] Information for hotel guests: Obtaining financial assistance for lodging:  Are you a Hurricane Harvey evacuee in need of financial assistance for lodging?  We suggest contacting the… Read more »

A Message from TABC

September, 4 2017

  A Message from TABC Legal Experts Martin Frost & Hill   Effective immediately, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission has stopped mailing out paper renewal application forms. Instead, the TABC is… Read more »

2017 Special Session Outcome

August, 30 2017

August 16, 2017 The Texas Legislature adjourned the special legislative session “sine die,” which means the first called legislative session of 2017 is officially over. Importantly, the special session ended… Read more »